
Obituary of Oliver Morel (OR 1930-34) in the Independent Newspaper
Oliver Morel Times Obituary (requires subscription)

The Betula Ltd.

Tony Peart MA. FHEA is an academic researching the history of a now largely forgotten progressive furniture company, The Betula Limited of Sharpleshall Street, London. The company was founded in late 1931 by two old Rendcombian’s: David Haes (OR 1926-29) and Francis Nevel, born Franz Kefel (OR 1925-1929).  

Link to the paper by Tony Peart as follows: https://insight.cumbria.ac.uk/id/eprint/8619/

The Decorative Arts Society Journal has published this work on The Betula Ltd. in the Journal of the Decorative Arts Society (2024 Vol.48) where its synopsys outlines the avante garde European-influenced modernist furniture of the 1930s period.

The Old Rendcombian Society Newsletter provides much valuable information regarding the company and its founders and provided enough clues to locate Francis Nevel’s son who is happily assisting Tony Peart with his research.
Unfortunately, Francis Nevel’s family have long lost contact with the Haes family. The Old Rendcombian Society Newsletter records that David died in June 2002.

URL for the Decorative Arts Society journal https://www.decorativeartssociety.org.uk/journal/
Research by Tony Peart at https://insight.cumbria.ac.uk/view/creators/Peart=3ATony=3A=3A.html

Collection of Photographs of significant Woodwork Exhibitions and examples of finished work
Courtesy Colin Burden (Staff 1963 – 97)
Click image for expanded view and right/left arrows to sequence.

75th Anniversary
Exhibition 1996
Dulverton Hall

Link for Details



Click below
for the article

(Above) Cecil Gough in front of a photograph of a chest of
drawers he made for PM Lloyd George while at G. Russell
workshops. Link below to Gordon Russell Design Museum.


Display Pieces
from 1993


GCSE Design & Realisation
1988 – 1989


Woodwork Pieces
1988 – 1989

Pieces by Japanese
students age 15+

Woodwork Exhibition
1983 – 1984

Woodwork Exhibition
Malvern 3 Counties

Woodwork Examples
Early to mid-70’s

Early ’70’s
G Jordan
& others

Continuing the standard
of cabinet work under
Colin Burden 1963-66

Rendcomb College
Student work of
high standard established
by HM DW Lee-Browne and
Oliver Morel Pre-1963