Reunion Pictures

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OR Reunion  – 23rd June 2024

Back Row L to R: Jade Sinclair (1972-78), Deborah Harrison, Danielle Shrimpton, Jon Fletcher (1968-75), Hamish Wilson, Charlie Hussey (1974-76), Brian Fisher (1965-71), Rob Sheratt (1969-76), Chris Pulford (1970-77), Jane Gunner, Joe Watson, Nigel Powell (1966-74)
Middle Row L to R: Nige Taylor, Des Knox (1970-75), Tim Parfit, Pete Haynes (1972-78), Gray Moore (1971-78), Anthony Flambard, Nick Longworth (1970-77)
Front Row L to R: Charlotte Bonardi, Chris Troughton, Taryn Nixon (1975-77), Treve Evans, Sarah Morris, Kathy Harmon (1972-74), Pen Jones
All undated: Men: 1971-78 and Women 1976-78

OR Society Reunion 23 June 2024
1974 leavers 50 years.  Dedication of bench on lower terrace in front of college.

Kathy Harman returned form Colorado, along with her daughter Tina. A while since leaving in ’74 and met up with Nigel Powell who also left 50 years ago.

The AGM was well attended and followed the regular format. A significant change was for ORs to make a contribution towards the cost of the lunch and preferably say in advance if they wish to attend on the Reunion Day. Please note that at all other times of the year, ORs are required to contact the College for permission in advance, before setting foot anywhere on College grounds.

After a generous pasta lunch, a bench was dedicated to the memory of five ORs from the Class of ’78 who sadly have died in the intervening years. This was prompted by the recent death in March of Sheila Lee (née Greenfield).
The bench is situated on the terrace below the library and bears the legend ‘To Borrow Freedom,’ the title of Sheila’s memoir about setting up a riding retreat in Portugal. The dedication ceremony was led by Hamish Wilson. He, alongside Deborah Harrison, Danielle Shrimpton, Anthony Flambard and Treve Evans spoke about each of the dedicatees: Alison White, Anthony Reynolds, Colin Hitchcock, Will Henniker-Gotley and Sheila Lee. The ceremony closed with Hamish reading a poem ‘To Borrow Freedom’ which he’d written to mark the occasion. (See below).

Charlie Hussey noted, “At this year’s OR day, 15 of ’78ers gathered and contributed to a bench, in memoriam for the six of their class who have lost their lives in the intervening years, with the catalyst being the recent death of Sheila Greenfield. Those in attendance included the following who are part of this group Taryn NixonSarah RobinsTreve EvansPeter HaynesChristopher PulfordJade SinclairDanielle Shrimpton da Luz and Gray Moore. The sun shone, lovely memories shared and some wonderful speeches were made full of sadness and laughter. The inscription ‘To borrow freedom’ is from Shelia’s book. A specific decision was made not to have a plaque. I suspect and I hope other years may do something similar.

To Borrow Freedom
We look out down the valley to our youth,
time was fooled back then but now it’s borrowed.
This simple, slatted bench brings home the truth,
our yesterdays outnumber our tomorrows.
We think back now to fallen friends, the five,
Alison, Sheila, Ant, Colin and Will,
remember them and mark their briefer lives
with a place to sit and contemplate the world.
We share a bond of friendship that extends
beyond our schooldays, share easy rapport
as if we were more family than friends.
We shall not meet these brothers, sisters more
but though we mark their passing, heads inclined,
we hold them always in our hearts and minds.
Hamish Wilson June 2024

The bench is dedicated to: Alison White (OR 1976-’78), Anthony Reynolds (OR ’71-78), Colin Hitchcock (OR ’71-78), Will Henniker-Gotley (OR ’71-78) and Sheila Lee (née Greenfield OR ’76-78).

Above L to R (Standing ORs 1971-78) Tim Parfit, Nige Taylor, Jade Sinclair (1972-78), Hamish Wilson, Gray Moore, Chris Troughton, Anthony Flambard, Joe Watson, Treve Evans, Pete Haynes (1972-78)
L to R (Seated ORs 1976-78) Sarah Morris, Danielle Shrimpton, Pen Jones, Deborah Harrison, Charlotte Bonardi

OR Reunion of ’83 Leavers – 25th June 2023

Back row (L to R): Rob Akers, Jim Teague, Charlie Ekin, Russ Copley, Ted Wilcox, Rich Smith, Matt Archer, Ben Freeman, Rich Deacon, Si Beales, Cal Dewar, Phil Needham (part hidden), Sian Smith (née Alexander), Charlie Hutton-Potts, Eric Blencowe, Rich Perrett
Front row (L to R): Nicki Scott (née Agius), Ben Holmes (née Syrett),  Emma Thomas, Jo Sinclair (née Soutter)

OR Reunion Leavers Group – 25th June 2023
(L-R) Tim Nicholas (1969-76), Phil Everatt (1969-76), Rob Barnard-Weston (1968-75), Martyn Pitt (1969-73), Tessa Hicks (née Wolferstan) (1974-76), Charlie Hussey (1974-76), Jane Gunner (née Watson) (1975-77), Martyn Griffiths (1969-76), Rob Sherratt (1972-77), Jonathon Fletcher (1968-76), Jade Sinclair (1973-78), Phil Smith (1968-74), Des Knox (1968-75)

Rendcomb College – 24th June 1924 Nearly a century ago, four years after the foundation of the College by Noel Wills.

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OR Fifty Years Celebration Lunch 1920-70’s – 1st June 2022  Click or tap the image to enlarge.

L-R: William Griffiths (1960-1967), Michael Edwards (1948-1954), Brian Fisher (1966-1973), Theo Willford (1965-1968), Chris Pulford (1970-1977), Robert Goodsell (1962-1968), Nicholas Smith (1971-1975), Paul Harrison (1954-1961), Ted Taylor (1957-1964), Tim Nicholas (1969-1976), Steve Hicks (1969-1976), Jon  Hiscox (1960-1967), Steve Hewitt (1971-1977), Noel Willford (1965-1970), Ian Read (1969-1976), Geoff James Taylor (1953-1961), Richard Sumsion (1947-1954), Simon Wormleighton (1968-1975), Julian Comrie (1946-1954), Hamish Wilson (1971-1978), Desmond Knox (1970-1975), Robert Sherratt (1969-1976), Alan Lamb (1964-1971), Neil Johnson (1964-1970), Robin Bowen (1963-1970), Richard Law (1964-1970), Jonathan Fletcher (1968-1975), Christopher Brisley (1941-1950), Nicholas Hillier (1965-1970), Anthony Hillier (1963-1968), Jonathan Tyler (1965-1972), John Murray Webb (1954-1963), Martin Lee-Browne, Mark Whittering (1956-1961), Robert Barnard-Weston (1968-1975), Richard Roberts (1967-1972), Ian Niel (1964-1971), David Mackonochie (1967-1972), Michael Barnes (1961-1969), Dick Millard (1964-1970), Derek Wiggall (1966-1974), Rev. Julian Wilson (1974-1980), Michael Miles (1943-1950), John Ellis (1948-1957), Peter Callaghan (1956-1961), Stuart Shellswell (1958-1966), John Mitchison (1957-1963), David Tyler (1965-1970), David Griffiths (1956-1964), Andrew Stafford (1966-1971), Fraser Glennie (1959-1967), Julian Gray (1965-1971), Nigel Powell (1967-1974), David Williams (1966-1971).

Centre Rear: Chris Wood (1965-1971), Brian Smith (1965-1972), Bob Edy (1959-1967), Paul Curtis Hayward (1970-1977), Peter Lace (1970-1975), Philip Smith (1968-1974), Andrew Medhurst (1968-1975).
Our sincere thanks to the organizers Brian Smith and Revd. Bob Edy. Nearly 100 attendees (62 OR’s + partners).

OR Reunion – 30th June 2019

Top Row L-R: Rev’d Bob Edy (59–67 Staff 2015-), Dave Marshall (72-79), Jerry Archer (72-79), WJD Bill White (Staff 61-97), Simon Howell (72-79), Chris Wood (65-71, Staff 76-2009 ), Colin Burden (Staff 63-97)
Middle Row:  Nigel Burgess (1972-79), Dave Beanland (1972-79), Mike Cannon )1972-79), Nigel Hall (1972-79), T, Dave Williams (66-71), Phil Smith (68-74), Nigel Powell (67-74)
Front Row: Des Knox (70-75), Brian Smith (65-72), Keith Winmill (72-79), Simon Elliott (72-79), Jane Gunner (née Watson) (75-77), Jon Fletcher (68-75), Phill Lamphee (68-75), Jon Scawin (67-74), TBA

OR Reunion – 40 Year Group Leavers of 1979 Reunion 30th June 2019

L-R: Nigel Burgess, Keith Winmill, Dave Beanland, Dave Marshall, Mike Cannon, Simon Elliott, Nigel Hall, Jerry Archer, Simon Howell. (1972–79)


OR Reunion – Year Group Leavers of 1988, 1978 and 1968 Reunion 1st July 2018

Back Row, L-R: Phill Lamphee (1968–75), CC Burden (Staff 1963-97), Tim Longworth (1969–76), Charlie Hussey (1974–76), Phil Everatt (196 –76), Jade Sinclair (1973–78), TBA, Hamish Wilson (1971–78), Nigel Green (1961-69), Anthony Hillier (1963–68), Nigel Taylor (1971–78), Simon Buist (1971–78), Chris Pulford (1970–77).
Second Row: Trevor Patrick (1964–70), WJD White (Staff 1961-97), Dawn Surl (née Mackonochie ) (1974–76), Charlotte Bonardi (1976–78), Sarah Robins (née Morris) (1976 – 78) , Andy Mackonochie (1971–78), Ian Pengelly (1972–78), Tony Flambard (1971–78), Pete Haynes (1972–78).
Front Row: Ollie Longworth (not at Rendcomb – son of Nick), Nick Longworth (1970–76), TBA, Des Knox (1970–75), Lucy Brain (1974–76), Chris Troughton (1973–78), Pen Jones (1976–78), Tim Parfitt (1971–78), Treve Evans (1971–78), Ileana Porras (1976–78), Sheila Lee (née Greenfield (1976–78), Gray Moore (1971–78), Brian Smith (1965–72), Rev’d Bob Edy (1959–67).

OR Reunion – 25 Year Group Leavers of 1992 – 25 Year Reunion 15th July 2017

On Saturday 15th July 17 ORs, who left 25 years ago in 1992, met at the Bathurst Arms. We had to choose this date instead of the official OR day as several people were in the UK from abroad. Julian Madeley from Thailand, Sarah Baker (née Langley) from Australia and Linda Eklof from Finland. Many more sent apologies, amongst them Graham Lawton on a posting with the Army in Sudan, James Grafton and Henry Pugh in the States, Sarah Pike (née Thayne) in Australia, Clair Watson in UAE and Hamish Auld leading a D of E Expedition of his own this time. We enjoyed a buffet lunch and drinks to the tune of 1990’s hits of our day. Whilst smaller groups have kept in touch over the years this was the first time we had attempted a whole year Reunion. It was amazing how easy it was to pick up with each other again and fill in on the intervening years. After lunch, we took a wander along the River Churn to Rendcomb and although the College was preparing for a private function that evening no one seemed to mind us wandering about down memory lane and back via the Wildie. The Stage saw re-enactments of fights long ago. In the Church, accompanied by Paul Irving and Paul Sumsion, both now Vicars, we thought of Reverend Sudbury and those Sunday services, and also of those no longer with us, Graham Bennett (1974-1995) in particular. Some of us later went on to Cheltenham to continue the evening and all left with the promise to not leave it quite so long next time.

Photograph outside The Bathhurst Arms, North Cerney. L to R:
Julian Madeley, Tim Underwood, Sophy Layzell (née Denny), Andrew Pollard, Annitta Engel (née Duguid), Paul Sumsion. Zoe Elliot (née Davis), Anthony Palin, Kathryn Hodgkinson, Sam Cato, Sonya Grubb (née Naish), Jon Powell, Linda Eklof, John Wheeler, Patricia Houchell (née Renny), Matt Smith, Paul Irving with son Joseph. Missing from the picture is Sarah Baker (née Langley) who arrived later in the evening.

OR Reunion – 2nd July 2017  The 30 Year Reunion for the leavers of 1987, Retired Staff and several ORs from other years.

Front row: Des Knox (70-75), Jane Gunner (née Watson) (75-77), TBC, TBC, Suzanna van Moyland (85-87), Juliet Birley (née Hasler) (85-87), Chris Moody (80-87), Alex Brealy (80-87).
Second row: Roy Edwards (72-79), TBC, TBC, TBC, Annalisa Wood (née Heal) (85-87), Lisa Davies (née Wallace) (85-87), Polly McLelland (née Nicholls) (85-87), Mark Walters (80-87).
Third row: Steve Hewitt (71-77), Simon Tyler(70-77), Hamish Wilson (71-78, TBC, Chris Pope (80-87), James Mann (82-87), Phil Moore (80-87), Theresa John (née Fox) (85-87), Robin Bowen (63-70), Taryn Nixon (75-77).
Back row: James Terry (72-77), Nigel Powell (67-74), Phil Everatt (69-76), Sara Freeman (75-77), Martin Graham (Staff), Bill White (Staff), Mrs and Nick Smith (72-77), Richard Tudor (73-80), Chris Pulford (70-77), Colin Burden (Staff), Sarah Robinson (75-77).
A total of 37 in the group photograph
Also present on the day from the 1987 group, but not in the picture: Simon Reichwald (82-87), Iain Whittaker (80-87), Dan Beales (1980 – 87), Gus Noyce, (82 -87), Raquel Hughes (85-87), Nigel Green (61-69), David Tovey (56-64).

OR Reunion – 3rd July 2016 Charlie Hussey and Tessa Hicks coordinated the 40 Year Reunion for the leavers of 1976.

Front row left to right: Des Knox (Seated), Richard Hudson, Robert Stroud, Nick Longworth, Owen Davies, Al Bennett, Tim Nicholas, Robbie Barrett, Martin Griffiths, Nige Bradbury.
Second row: Rob Weston, Pete Sayers, Tim Ingles, Martyn Pitt, Tim Longworth, Phil Gready, Tessa Hicks (née Wolferstan), Jacqui Sayers (née Crowhurst), Clare Gardner-Medwin, Charlie Hussey.
Third row: Stu Honeyball, Ian Read, Pete Walton, Chris Pulford.
Back row: Andy Medhurst, Rob Sherratt, Simon Wormleighton, Alisdair Wilson, Hamish Wilson, Paul Curtis-Hayward, Kari Barnard-Weston, Sarah Oughton, Phil Everatt, Lucy Brain.
A total of 34 in the group photograph - a record!

OR Reunion – 28th June 2015
40 YEARS ON from 1975
Back Row from left: Nick Hance (1966-73), Dave Williams (1966-71) , Nigel Powell (1967-74), Jonathan Lane (1967-74), Mike James (1968-75), Stuart Honeyball (1968-75), Simon Wormleighton (1968-75), Nigel Bradbury (1969-75), Ian Taylor (1968-75), Pete Lace (1970-75), Phil Smith (1968-74), Sally Patterson (née Blyth) (1973-75), Jacqui Sayers (née Crowhurst) (1974-76).
Middle Row: Bella Burke (née Bartlett) (1973-75) and Henrietta Bud (née Hooper) (1973-75).
Front: Dave Shield (1966-73), Martyn Pitt (1969-72), Hamish Wilson (1971-78), Norm Crowe (1970-75), Des Knox (1970-75), Tessa Hicks (née Wolferstan) (1974-76), Charlie Hussey (1974-76).

OR Reunion – 29th June 2014

Roland Martin (1982-89) arranged a get together for all those who left in 1988, 89 and 90.

Toby Brealy (1977-84) arranged a reunion for 1984 leavers.
James Hutton-Potts,(1977-84), Angus Waddell (1977-84), Andy Payne (1979-84), Richard Newman (1977-84)
and Toby Brealy (1977-1984) with David Essenhigh (Staff: 1969-2011) in the background.

Reunion 2013 June 30th. Thirty years on. Thanks to the combined efforts of Russ Copley
and Charles Hutton-Potts, twenty of 1983 leavers returned for the Summer Reunion 2013.

Back Row: Eric Blencowe, Steve Hazell, Giles Brealy, Ted Wilcox, Calum Dewar
Third Row: Charles Hutton-Potts, Sîan Smith (née Alexander), Benj Freeman, Richard Deacon.
Second Row: Lisa Brock (née Lake) Kennedy Taylor, Russell Copley, Simon Powell, Richard Smith.
Front Row: Matt Archer, Nikki Tinto, Mandy De Hennin (née Winter), Tamsin Wallace (née Morgan).
Present but not in photo: Simon Beales, Nikki Scott (née Morgan)

Reunion 1 July 2012
Table with Colin Burden and guests.

Left to right: Chris Wood, Ian Niel, David Toresen, Andrew Stafford, Andrew Thompson, Julian Gray, David Williams, Eddie Parsons

July 3rd 2011 witnessed what must have been a record turnout on the annual reunion day. Charlie Hussey and Rob Barrett assembled many of their contemporaries from around 1976, and Chris Wood and Jon Hiscox coordinated groups from 1971 and 1967.
Left to right: Henrietta Hooper, Jeremy Stupple, Des Knox, Bruce Pritchett, Bella Bartlett, Stu Honeyball, Sarah Robinson, Nick Longworth, Simon Wormleighton, Charlie Hussey, Andy Medhurst, Taryn Nixon, Sara Freeman, Phil Smith, Rob Barrett, Toby Roberts, Ian Read, Tim Nicholas, Pete Walton, Martin Griffiths, Alan Bennett, Rob Weston, Tessa Hicks, Nigel Bradbury, Mike Denley

Following on (again) from last year, another 30th Anniversary reunion took place on the 28th June 2009. Pictured above are, left to right, Simon Howell, Shaun Brennan, David Beanland, David Marshall, Nigel Hall, Keith Winmill, Mark Middlemist, Mark Webb, Mike Cannon, Roy Edwards and Chris Morshead.

Following on from last year, another 30th Anniversary reunion took place on the 29th June 2008. Pictured above are, left to right, Gerald Hedderwick, Charlotte Bonardi, John Sinclair, Ian Pengelly, Patrick O'Donohoe, Tony Flambard, Andy Mackonochie, Debbie Harrison, Simon Buist, Tim Parfit, Steve Hewitt, Shane Galtress, Colin Hitchcock, Sarah Robins (Morris), Richard Jones (Caney), Peter Haynes, Stuart Smith, Graham Moore, Graeme Connelly, Penny Jones, Hamish Wilson, Bridget Cross, Nigel Taylor, Jonathan McGill, David Pitt. At front: Treve Evans, Sheila Lee (Greenfield), Harriet Porter and Chris Troughton.

Chris Pulford (1970-77) organised a very successful 30th anniversary reunion of his contemporaries on the 1st July 2007. Pictured above are, left to right, David Pitt, Jane Gunner, Chris Pulford, Sarah Robinson, James Terry, Sara Freeman, Paul Maguire, Paul Curtis-Hayward, Nick Smith, Simon Tyler, Philip Lyons, Tim Lausch, Ian Underdown, Jeremy Read, Wendy Hewitt, Chris Hart, Sarah Robins (née Morris), Diane Martin (née Crewe), (guest – Michelle Ashmore), Taryn Nixon, Anthony Ashmore.

Des Knox (1970-75) organised a reunion of his contemporaries on 2nd July 2005. Pictured here are, left to right, Des Knox, Rob Weston, Isobel Burke (née Bartlett), Suzanne Marston, Pete Lace, Jon Dixon, Simon Wormleighton, Neil Lumby and Stuart Honeyball

Keith Winmill and David Marshall (1972-79) organised a reunion of their contemporaries on July 4th 2004. Pictured left are (left to right) David Marshall, Keith Winmill, Bill White, Mark Middlemist, Nigel Hall, Colin Burden, Simon Elliott and Chris Morshead.

Left to right, Bill White, Nigel Hall, John Steed, Simon Elliott, David Marshall, Keith Winmill, Mark Middlemist, Chris Morshead