Society Newsletters

All Old Rendcombian Society Newsletters are available for viewing below. Prior to 1975, some OR News was carried in the main school magazines. Whilst there is no deadline for submissions, it is helpful to deliver them to the secretary by January or February. Distribution of the printed OR Newsletter to those who qualify is in April/May. We encourage you to update your preferences by completing the Contact Form online. It takes just 2 minutes to update and select your communications preferences. If you have recently left, please make sure the OR Society has your details.
The OR Society will never pass on your details a third party and only contact you given your preferences. No personal details are stored on this website.

The OR Society Newsletters, College magazines and entire website are searchable by Google Custom Search
The resulting Google Custom Search may directly link to a PDF document. Open the PDF document in your browser or Acrobat Reader. It’s easy to search within the document using Ctrl f, or clicking the icon and putting the search word or phrase into the popup box at the top right to find occurrences.

Old Rendcombian Society Newsletter
2024 Newsletter 2024 Edition
Opens in a new tab 4MB, 48pp. Bookmarked pdf.

Old Rendcombian Society Newsletter Archive

2023  2022  2021 2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015

2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005

2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  1998  1997  1996  1995

1994  1993  1992  1991  1990  1989  1988  1987  1986  1985

1984  1983  1982  1981  1980  1979  1978  1977  1976  1975

Thanks to the late WJD White for supplying copies of the 1976 & ’77 editions and N Powell for the 1975 & ’78 editions.